What NAICS Codes does Lockery Associates Maintain?

We operate primarily in the following NAICS categories:

54161- Management Consulting Services

541611- Administrative Management and General Management Consulting Services

541614- Process, Physical Distribution, and Logistics Processing Services

541618-Other Management Consulting Services

What Federal Product Service Codes does Lockery Associates Maintain?

We operate primarily in the following FPSC catagories:

R408-Program Management & Support Services

R610- Personal Property Management Services

R799- Other Management Support Services

Where does Lockery Associates operate?

Lockery Associates LLC is operated and maintained in the state of Virginia, we can perform out of state work upon request.


What other services does Lockery Associates offer?

Though primarily a consulting company, Lockery Associates can perform sub-contracting to fulfill whatever your needs may be.  This includes estimating, scheduling, enterprise level software training, and logistics support as needed.